

"I do love Daisy - even when she turns into a super-bitch, I'm still rooting for her." - Sophie McShera BBC News - Daisy scrubs up for Downton Abbey Christmas special


ANNA: You come along with me, now.IVY : But what about Mr Bates? Won't he be missing you?ANNA: Mr Bates must wait his turn.Series 4, Episode 1よりIvyは優しい娘である。存在価値をどうこう言う声もあるけれど、気にしないでこれからも頑張って欲し…

Mr and Miss Grantham

"It makes me laugh when I hear Miss O'Brien and Mr. Bates called Mr. and Miss Grantham." - Anna Bates "A Journey to the Highlands"よりもし自分がこの場にいたら...たぶんAnnaのこの台詞に大笑いして、場の空気をいっそう気まずいものにしてしまった…


"You might start calling me John." - Mr. BatesSeason 2, Episode 1より台本の読み合わせでBrendanがこの台詞を言ったとき、皆が大笑いしたという。ずっと礼儀正しく"Mr. Bates"と呼び続けるAnna。その'習慣'(Julianいわく)は結婚後も変わることなく、と…


ETHEL: What are you up to?ANNA: Just practicing with these for Lady Mary. I promised her I would.Season 2, Episode 3より3シーズン中、最もゾクゾク・ワクワクした場面かもしれない...。

"I promise."

BATES: So there is one thing I must ask. I can't have you grey-faced and in perpetual mourning. Promise me. You'll make friends, have fun, live life. ANNA: I'll try. I promise.I promise. と言った後のAnnaの表情が今日はなぜかやたらと心に浮か…

a romantic figure

"He always seems a romantic figure to me." - Daisy Season 2, Episode 4より Daisyによる素敵なMr. Bates評に、微笑むMrs. HughesとAnnaの姿が見える。