That Romantic Gentleman

Downton, a remedy for our chaotic lives: Women delight in being transported to a more orderly time (Daily Mail)

What's really interesting is how women react to archetypal Edwardian men like the valet Mr Bates.

Even in 2013, we're hard-wired to be attracted to that kind of noble, charming, devoted alpha male.

Mr Bates sets a wonderful example of how you should treat the ones you love.

Mr. Batesと女性、といえばAnnaは言わずもがな、Lady Roseにさっとミントを差し出した場面も印象的だった。気高く誠実で情熱的な紳士。Annaとともにいる姿はチャーミングで、Lady Edithはそんな幸せそうな二人を'lovebirds'と形容している。